Rabu, 24 Juni 2009


She could be the one that I loved
She could be the one that I cared
She could be the one that I shared
She could be the one that I needed
She could be the one that I hugged
She could be the one that I heard
She could be the one that I liked
She could be the one that I trusted
She could be the one that I wanted
She could be the one that I voiced
She could be the one that I voted
She could be the one that I dreamed
She could be the one that she could be....
(Cikarang, June 24, 2009)

Indonesiaku Ironisku

Indonesiaku Ironisku (I)
Manohara Pinoet, Siti Hajar, dan masih banyak lagi yang lain adalah korban dari kurangnya nilai harga diri bangsa Indonesia di mata internasional yang kemudian menyebabkan rendahnya appresiasi masyarakat internasional kepada warga negara Indonesia. Bukan hanya di Malaysia bahkan di negara-negara timur tengah dan eropa pun warga negara Indonesia seakan dipandang sebelah mata. Tindakan yang tidak manusiawi tidak hanya terjadi pada TKI atau TKW yang ada di Malaysia saja tetapi juga terjadi pada para pahlawan devisa yang di berada di beberapa negara timur tengah dan eropa.
Beberapa tahun yang lalu saat masih kuliah, saya tinggal di sebuah kos-kosan yang memperkerjakan seorang pembantu yang berusia sekitar 40 tahunan, sebut saja Neneng. Satu hal yang menarik, Neneng adalah seorang Hajjah padahal pemilik kos-kosan pun saat itu belum bisa meraih gelar tersebut. Ternyata Neneng adalah seorang mantan TKW di sebuah negara di timur tengah ia memang beruntung dapat menunaikan ibadah haji sementara ia bekerja di sebuah rumah sebagai pembantu rumah tangga. Namun malang tak dapat di tolak, setelah beberapa tahun bekerja di sana tiba-tiba Neneng terkena penyakit yang menyebabkan ia mengalami amnesia. Beberapa hari di rumah sakit kemudian Neneng yang masih dengan amnesianya dipulangkan ke tanah air. Malangnya Neneng dideportasi secara halus tanpa harta benda yang ia simpan di negara tempat ia bekerja. Maka ia pun pulang dengan hanya beberapa helai pakaian dan penyakitnya yang belum sembuh.
Bukanlah hal yang aneh bila jasa para pahlawan seringkali dilupakan oleh bangsa ini sementara kita hafal betul sebuah ungkapan “Bangsa Besar adalah Bangsa yang Menghargai Jasa Pahlawannya”. Jadi kesimpulannya....
Indonesiaku Ironisku (II)
Masih ingatkah anda pada Sumpah Pemuda yang melahirkan semangat persatuan dan tertuang dalam sebuah Ikrar “Berbangsa satu, bangsa Indonesia. Berbahasa satu, bahasa Indonesia. Bernegara satu, negara Indonesia.” Indonesia adalah sebuah negara yang kaya, kaya budayanya, kaya sukunya, kaya tradisinya, kaya bahasanya, kaya alamnya, serta kaya hutangnya. Tujuan awal dari Sumpah Pemuda tersebut adalah memupuk dan mengembangkan jiwa patriotisme terhadap bangsa dan negara dengan cara menciptakan identitas bangsa yang diwujudkan berdasarkan ikrar di atas.
Menjamurnya sekolah dengan embel-embel Internasional merupakan motor dari majunya pendidikan di negeri ini. Tetapi yang jadi permasalahannya adalah penerapan salah satu bahasa asing sebagai bahasa pengantar di sekolah yang umumnya dihuni oleh kalangan atas itu. Penerapan bahasa asing tersebut yang kemudian di ikuti oleh sekolah jenis lainnya merupakan kabar baik dan sekaligus kabar buruk. Kabar baiknya adalah niscaya bangsa ini dapat bersaing dengan bangsa lain oleh karena para generasi baru telah di bekali dengan penguasaan bahasa asing yang mumpuni.
Kabar buruknya adalah hilangnya identitas bangsa ini. Karena dari semenjak dini generasi baru telah di cekoki oleh bahasa asing yang lambat laun akan menghapus perbendaharaan bahasa Indonesia di otak kiri mereka. Inilah yang di sebut dengan penjajahan model baru.....Indonesiaku Ironisku (I)
Manohara Pinoet, Siti Hajar, dan masih banyak lagi yang lain adalah korban dari kurangnya nilai harga diri bangsa Indonesia di mata internasional yang kemudian menyebabkan rendahnya appresiasi masyarakat internasional kepada warga negara Indonesia. Bukan hanya di Malaysia bahkan di negara-negara timur tengah dan eropa pun warga negara Indonesia seakan dipandang sebelah mata. Tindakan yang tidak manusiawi tidak hanya terjadi pada TKI atau TKW yang ada di Malaysia saja tetapi juga terjadi pada para pahlawan devisa yang di berada di beberapa negara timur tengah dan eropa.
Beberapa tahun yang lalu saat masih kuliah, saya tinggal di sebuah kos-kosan yang memperkerjakan seorang pembantu yang berusia sekitar 40 tahunan, sebut saja Neneng. Satu hal yang menarik, Neneng adalah seorang Hajjah padahal pemilik kos-kosan pun saat itu belum bisa meraih gelar tersebut. Ternyata Neneng adalah seorang mantan TKW di sebuah negara di timur tengah ia memang beruntung dapat menunaikan ibadah haji sementara ia bekerja di sebuah rumah sebagai pembantu rumah tangga. Namun malang tak dapat di tolak, setelah beberapa tahun bekerja di sana tiba-tiba Neneng terkena penyakit yang menyebabkan ia mengalami amnesia. Beberapa hari di rumah sakit kemudian Neneng yang masih dengan amnesianya dipulangkan ke tanah air. Malangnya Neneng dideportasi secara halus tanpa harta benda yang ia simpan di negara tempat ia bekerja. Maka ia pun pulang dengan hanya beberapa helai pakaian dan penyakitnya yang belum sembuh.
Bukanlah hal yang aneh bila jasa para pahlawan seringkali dilupakan oleh bangsa ini sementara kita hafal betul sebuah ungkapan “Bangsa Besar adalah Bangsa yang Menghargai Jasa Pahlawannya”. Jadi kesimpulannya....
Indonesiaku Ironisku (II)
Masih ingatkah anda pada Sumpah Pemuda yang melahirkan semangat persatuan dan tertuang dalam sebuah Ikrar “Berbangsa satu, bangsa Indonesia. Berbahasa satu, bahasa Indonesia. Bernegara satu, negara Indonesia.” Indonesia adalah sebuah negara yang kaya, kaya budayanya, kaya sukunya, kaya tradisinya, kaya bahasanya, kaya alamnya, serta kaya hutangnya. Tujuan awal dari Sumpah Pemuda tersebut adalah memupuk dan mengembangkan jiwa patriotisme terhadap bangsa dan negara dengan cara menciptakan identitas bangsa yang diwujudkan berdasarkan ikrar di atas.
Menjamurnya sekolah dengan embel-embel Internasional merupakan motor dari majunya pendidikan di negeri ini. Tetapi yang jadi permasalahannya adalah penerapan salah satu bahasa asing sebagai bahasa pengantar di sekolah yang umumnya dihuni oleh kalangan atas itu. Penerapan bahasa asing tersebut yang kemudian di ikuti oleh sekolah jenis lainnya merupakan kabar baik dan sekaligus kabar buruk. Kabar baiknya adalah niscaya bangsa ini dapat bersaing dengan bangsa lain oleh karena para generasi baru telah di bekali dengan penguasaan bahasa asing yang mumpuni.
Kabar buruknya adalah hilangnya identitas bangsa ini. Karena dari semenjak dini generasi baru telah di cekoki oleh bahasa asing yang lambat laun akan menghapus perbendaharaan bahasa Indonesia di otak kiri mereka. Inilah yang di sebut dengan penjajahan model baru.....

Affixation (part II)

Affixation (Part II)
According to the function of the affix, divided into 2 kinds;
1.Inflectional Affixation means the giving of affixes in a word does not change the word-classes
-s = Write + -s = writes
-es = Fix + -es = Fixes
-ies= Study + -ies= studies
-ing= Work + -ing= working
-ed= Start + -ed = started
Re-= Re- + search = research
Dis- = Dis- + like = dislike
Im- = Im- + posible = Impossible
Ir- = Ir- + regular = Irregular
2.Derivational Affixation means the giving of affixes in a word changes the word-classes
a). Adjective -> Adverb
-ily = easy + -ily = easily
-ly = independent + -ly = independently
b). Noun -> Verb
-ize = Emphasis + -ize= emphasize
-ify = Beauty + -ify = beautify
-en = Threat + -en = threaten
Be- = Be- +witch = bewitch
Im- = Im- + prison = Imprison
Ac- = Ac-+ knowledge = acknowledge
c). Noun -> Adjective
-ful = Beauty + -ful = beautiful
-ic = period + -ic = periodic
-al = condition + -al = conditional
-y = water + -y = watery
-ous = courage + -ous = courageous
-en = wood + -en = wooden
-ish = Child + -ish = Childish
-like = Lady + -like = ladylike
-ate = Fortune + -ate = fortunate
-wide = World + -wide= worldwide
-ship = Friend + -ship = friendship
-worthy = Trust + -worthy = trustwothy
-less = Speech + -less = speechless
d). Adjective -> verb
-en = sharp + -en = sharpen
En- = Large + en- = enlarge
-ate = Active + -ate = activate
e). Verb -> noun
-ion = Product + -ion = Production
-or = Detect + -or = Detector
-ence = Depend + -ence = Dependence
-ance = Accept + -ance = acceptance
-er = Work + -er = worker
-tion = Distribute + -tion = Distribution
-ment = Enter + -ment = entertainment
-ery = Rob + -ery = Robbery
-ity = Secure + -ity = Security
f). Adjective -> Noun
-th = wide + -th =width
-ness = happy + -ness = happiness
-some = whole + -some = wholesome
--ity = Curious + -ity = curiousity
-ry = Brave + -ery = bravery
( Cikarang, 01.35am, June 14, 2009)
Affixation (Part II)
According to the function of the affix, divided into 2 kinds;
1.Inflectional Affixation means the giving of affixes in a word does not change the word-classes
-s = Write + -s = writes
-es = Fix + -es = Fixes
-ies= Study + -ies= studies
-ing= Work + -ing= working
-ed= Start + -ed = started
Re-= Re- + search = research
Dis- = Dis- + like = dislike
Im- = Im- + posible = Impossible
Ir- = Ir- + regular = Irregular
2.Derivational Affixation means the giving of affixes in a word changes the word-classes
a). Adjective -> Adverb
-ily = easy + -ily = easily
-ly = independent + -ly = independently
b). Noun -> Verb
-ize = Emphasis + -ize= emphasize
-ify = Beauty + -ify = beautify
-en = Threat + -en = threaten
Be- = Be- +witch = bewitch
Im- = Im- + prison = Imprison
Ac- = Ac-+ knowledge = acknowledge
c). Noun -> Adjective
-ful = Beauty + -ful = beautiful
-ic = period + -ic = periodic
-al = condition + -al = conditional
-y = water + -y = watery
-ous = courage + -ous = courageous
-en = wood + -en = wooden
-ish = Child + -ish = Childish
-like = Lady + -like = ladylike
-ate = Fortune + -ate = fortunate
-wide = World + -wide= worldwide
-ship = Friend + -ship = friendship
-worthy = Trust + -worthy = trustwothy
-less = Speech + -less = speechless
d). Adjective -> verb
-en = sharp + -en = sharpen
En- = Large + en- = enlarge
-ate = Active + -ate = activate
e). Verb -> noun
-ion = Product + -ion = Production
-or = Detect + -or = Detector
-ence = Depend + -ence = Dependence
-ance = Accept + -ance = acceptance
-er = Work + -er = worker
-tion = Distribute + -tion = Distribution
-ment = Enter + -ment = entertainment
-ery = Rob + -ery = Robbery
-ity = Secure + -ity = Security
f). Adjective -> Noun
-th = wide + -th =width
-ness = happy + -ness = happiness
-some = whole + -some = wholesome
--ity = Curious + -ity = curiousity
-ry = Brave + -ery = bravery
( Cikarang, 01.35am, June 14, 2009)
Affixation (Part II)
According to the function of the affix, divided into 2 kinds;
1.Inflectional Affixation means the giving of affixes in a word does not change the word-classes
-s = Write + -s = writes
-es = Fix + -es = Fixes
-ies= Study + -ies= studies
-ing= Work + -ing= working
-ed= Start + -ed = started
Re-= Re- + search = research
Dis- = Dis- + like = dislike
Im- = Im- + posible = Impossible
Ir- = Ir- + regular = Irregular
2.Derivational Affixation means the giving of affixes in a word changes the word-classes
a). Adjective -> Adverb
-ily = easy + -ily = easily
-ly = independent + -ly = independently
b). Noun -> Verb
-ize = Emphasis + -ize= emphasize
-ify = Beauty + -ify = beautify
-en = Threat + -en = threaten
Be- = Be- +witch = bewitch
Im- = Im- + prison = Imprison
Ac- = Ac-+ knowledge = acknowledge
c). Noun -> Adjective
-ful = Beauty + -ful = beautiful
-ic = period + -ic = periodic
-al = condition + -al = conditional
-y = water + -y = watery
-ous = courage + -ous = courageous
-en = wood + -en = wooden
-ish = Child + -ish = Childish
-like = Lady + -like = ladylike
-ate = Fortune + -ate = fortunate
-wide = World + -wide= worldwide
-ship = Friend + -ship = friendship
-worthy = Trust + -worthy = trustwothy
-less = Speech + -less = speechless
d). Adjective -> verb
-en = sharp + -en = sharpen
En- = Large + en- = enlarge
-ate = Active + -ate = activate
e). Verb -> noun
-ion = Product + -ion = Production
-or = Detect + -or = Detector
-ence = Depend + -ence = Dependence
-ance = Accept + -ance = acceptance
-er = Work + -er = worker
-tion = Distribute + -tion = Distribution
-ment = Enter + -ment = entertainment
-ery = Rob + -ery = Robbery
-ity = Secure + -ity = Security
f). Adjective -> Noun
-th = wide + -th =width
-ness = happy + -ness = happiness
-some = whole + -some = wholesome
--ity = Curious + -ity = curiousity
-ry = Brave + -ery = bravery
( Cikarang, 01.35am, June 14, 2009)
Affixation (Part II)
According to the function of the affix, divided into 2 kinds;
1.Inflectional Affixation means the giving of affixes in a word does not change the word-classes
-s = Write + -s = writes
-es = Fix + -es = Fixes
-ies= Study + -ies= studies
-ing= Work + -ing= working
-ed= Start + -ed = started
Re-= Re- + search = research
Dis- = Dis- + like = dislike
Im- = Im- + posible = Impossible
Ir- = Ir- + regular = Irregular
2.Derivational Affixation means the giving of affixes in a word changes the word-classes
a). Adjective -> Adverb
-ily = easy + -ily = easily
-ly = independent + -ly = independently
b). Noun -> Verb
-ize = Emphasis + -ize= emphasize
-ify = Beauty + -ify = beautify
-en = Threat + -en = threaten
Be- = Be- +witch = bewitch
Im- = Im- + prison = Imprison
Ac- = Ac-+ knowledge = acknowledge
c). Noun -> Adjective
-ful = Beauty + -ful = beautiful
-ic = period + -ic = periodic
-al = condition + -al = conditional
-y = water + -y = watery
-ous = courage + -ous = courageous
-en = wood + -en = wooden
-ish = Child + -ish = Childish
-like = Lady + -like = ladylike
-ate = Fortune + -ate = fortunate
-wide = World + -wide= worldwide
-ship = Friend + -ship = friendship
-worthy = Trust + -worthy = trustwothy
-less = Speech + -less = speechless
d). Adjective -> verb
-en = sharp + -en = sharpen
En- = Large + en- = enlarge
-ate = Active + -ate = activate
e). Verb -> noun
-ion = Product + -ion = Production
-or = Detect + -or = Detector
-ence = Depend + -ence = Dependence
-ance = Accept + -ance = acceptance
-er = Work + -er = worker
-tion = Distribute + -tion = Distribution
-ment = Enter + -ment = entertainment
-ery = Rob + -ery = Robbery
-ity = Secure + -ity = Security
f). Adjective -> Noun
-th = wide + -th =width
-ness = happy + -ness = happiness
-some = whole + -some = wholesome
--ity = Curious + -ity = curiousity
-ry = Brave + -ery = bravery
( Cikarang, 01.35am, June 14, 2009)

Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009

Affixation (part I)

Affixation is affixed from a word affix means to stick, fasten, or to attach something (verb) or a letter or group of letters added to the beginning or the end of a wood to change its meaning or the way it is used (noun). Thus, it can be comprehended that affixation is the process of giving affixe(s) onto a word.
According to the place of attaching the affix, affixation can be divided into 5 kinds;
1. Prefix : the attaching of affix at the beginning of a word...
Pre- : Pre + position Under- : Under + developed
Dis- : Dis + like Inter- : Inter + national
Ir- : Ir + regular Bi- : Bi + lingual
Un- : Un + limited Mono- : Mono + rail
En- : En + danger etc....
Im- : Im + possible
Re- : Re + search
2. Suffix : the attaching of affix at the end of a word...
-en : sharp + en -ion : suggest + ion
-ily : easy -> easily -ness : happy -> happi + ness
-ly : quick + ly -less : speech + less
-y : water + watery -al : bury -> buri + al
-tion : produce + tion etc...
3. Circumfix : the attaching of affixes at the beginning and at the end of a word...
Dis + agree + ment
Un + happi + ness
Re + search + er
4. Infix : the attaching of affix in the middle of a word...
5. Interfix : the attaching of affixes between affixes in a word...

(Cikarang, June 13, 2009)

STBA Grammar Syllabus

Grammar I

1. Present Tense
a. Simple Present (verbal)
b.Simple Present (nominal)
c. Present Progressive
2. Present Tense II
a. Present Perfect (verbal)
b.Present Perfect (nominal)
c.Present Perfect Progressive
3. Past Tense I
a. Simple Past (verbal)
b. Simple past (nominal)
c. Past Progressive
1) Statement
2) Negative
3) Interrogative
4. Past Tense II
a. Past Perfect (verbal)
b. Past Perfect (nominal)
c. Past Perfect Progressive
5. Future Tense I
a. Simple Future (verbal)
b. Simple Future (nominal)
c. Simple Future Progressive
6. Future Tense II
a. Future Perfect (verbal)
b. Future Perfect (nominal)
c. Future Perfect Progressive
7. Mid test
8. Past Future Tense I
a. Simple Past Future (verbal)
b. Simple Past Future (nominal)
c. Past Future Progressive
9. Past Future Tense II
a. Past Future Perfect (verbal)
b. Past Future Perfect (nominal)
c. Past Future Perfect Progressive
10. Passive Sentences I
a. Present Tense
1) Simple Present
2) Present Progressive
3) Present Perfect
4) Present Perfect Progressive
11. Passive Sentences II
a. Past Tense
1) Simple Past
2) Past Progressive
3) Past Perfect
4) Past Perfect Progressive
12. Passive Sentences III
a. Future Tense
1) Simple Future
2) Future Progressive
3) Future Perfect
4) Future Perfect Progressive
13. Passive Sentences IV
a. Past Future Tense
1) Simple Past Future
2) Past Future Progressive
3) Past Future Perfect
4) Past Future Perfect Progressive
5) Passive Modal Auxilliaries
14. Final

Grammar II
1. Pronoun
a. Subjective Pronoun
b. Objective Pronoun
c. Possessive Pronoun
d. Possessive Adjective
e. Reflxive Pronoun
2. English Expressions I
a. Expressions of Necessity
b. Expressions of Advisability
c. Expressions of Ability
3. English Expressions II
a. Expressions of Probability
b. Expressions of Preference
c. Expressions of Planned actions
4. a.Prepositions (in/on/at)
1) Time
2) Place
3) Manner
5. Adjectives
a. Proper Adjective
b. Numeral Adjectives
1) Cardinal
2) Ordinal
6. Midtest
7. a. Adjective of Comparisons
b. Descriptive Adjective
8. Noun
a. Proper Noun
b. Common Noun
c. Interrogative noun
9. a. Demonstrative Adjective
b.Demonstrative Pronoun
c. Ditributive Adjective/Noun
10. a. Question Tag
b. Addition of Remark (so am I...)
11. For, Since, Still, Yet, Just, Already
12. American English and British English
13. Expletive There VS Expletive It/here
14. Final Test

Grammar III
1. Past English Expressions I
a. Past Necessity
b. Past Advisability
c. Past Ability
2. Past English Expressions II
a. Past Probability
b. Past Habits
3. English Expression
a. Custom
b. Supposability
4. a. Stative Passive
b. Adjective –Ing & -ed
5. a. Expressions of The Other, others...
c. So/very/too
6. Sequence of Determiners
7. Midtest
8. Causative Verbs
9. Linking Verbs
10. Adverbs
a. Adv. Of Time
b. Adv. Of Intensifier
c. Adverbs of Purpose
d. Adverbs of Degree
e. Adverbs of Accompaniment
f. Adverbs of Agent
11. a. Reversal of Words Order
b.Instead/Instead of
c. Rather/quite/enough
12. Direct and Indirect Speech
13. Telling time, date,and English Calculations
14. Final Test

Grammar 4
1. Articles
a. Definite
b. Indefinite
2. A few, a little, little, few
3. Conditional clauses
a. Wish Clauses
b. If Clauses
4. Paired conjunctions
a. Both...and...
b. Neither...nor...
c. Either...or...
d. Not only...but also...
5. Adjective clause I
a. Who
b. Whom
c. Which
d. That
6. Adjective clause II
a. Whose
b. At/in/on Which
7. Mid-test
8. Extra Information
9. Adjective phrase
10. Subjunctive
a. Subjunctive Noun
b. Subjunctive Verb
c. Subjunctive Adjective
11. Inflectional Affixation
a. Prefix
b. Suffix
12. Derivational Affixation
a. Prefix
b. Suffix
c. Circumfix
d. Interfix
13. Sequence of Adjective
14. Final

Grammar V
1. a. A large number/amount of...
b. A number of.../The number of...
2. Definite Articles (with or without “The”)
3. a. Adjective and Adverbs
4. a. For/During/while
b. By/Until/By the time...
c. On time/In time
d. at the end/in the end
5. Noun+preposition
6. Preposition+noun
7. Midtest
8. Adjective+preposition I
9. Adjective+preposition II
10. Verb+prepoition I
11. Verb+preposition II
12. Verb+preposition III
13. Verb+object+preposition
14. Final

(Cikarang, June 13, 2009)

Selasa, 09 Juni 2009

Feminism II

Sultana as a main female character, she reflects the Islamic Feminism Values. Because she does not break the rules in Islam. Islamic feminism does not teach a woman to rebel to her man (husband), but Islamic Feminism teaches that women also have rights to speak and determine their life without any force from men. And in Islam there is no lesson that propose men to act rudely over their women (wives). As our Prophet Muhammad SAW explained when he was asked by one of his bestfriends, “ My Prophet, whom I must appreciate the most?”. Prophet replies, “ Your Mother..”. He asked (again), “Then whom..”, Prophet Muhammad answered, “Your mother...”. He continued asking,”Then whom else...”, Prophet explained, “Your mother and then your father...”.
From the hadith explained above, we can observe that how valuable is a woman in Islamic values and moreover to mother as our Prophet Muhammad SAW appreciated mother very much. In Islamic ways of life, Qur’an and Hadith, there are many feminism values which describe how important women are in this life. It is Qur’an that has a special part in it (Surah Annisa). It is Qur’an that explains the contribution of women in a nation. It is Qur’an that shows the importance of women in family. It is hadith that places women in a high position. It is hadith that shows the pride of women. It is Islam that promotes the equality between men and women with their duties to establish good, strong, and forward-minded generations according to the Islamic ways.
However, some people comprehend the contents of Qur’an or Hadith in a wrong way. Even they use it for some peculiar purposes and for the sake of political will (purposes). Those make the misunderstanding of Islam for other faiths’ followers. Those have been contaminated by the wrong hands. Those have been used not in the name of the most merciful(Allah). Many irresponsible men married to more than one woman and hode themselves behind the Sunnah while , in fact, mostly they did that just because of sexual interets and not more. Meanwhile, Prophet Mohammad did the polygamy in order to develop Islam and raise the prestige of women at that time. The misleading of Qur’an and Hadith has made the decreasing of Islam. In the other words, Islam has been ruined by its own followers. Blame of Islam degradation nowadays should not be addressed to others but truly to ourselves.
Islam was established for the Rahmatan Lil ‘Alamin, for the peace, safety, and prosperity in this world as a way to face the other day. “There is no doubt in this book(Qur’an/Koran);it is a direction to pious, who believe in the mysteries of faith..” Al-baqarah verses 2-3. Allah tells, describes, explains, and argues everything in Holy Qur’an. He solves and convinces in the verses of Qur’an. There is no other holy books except Qur’an.
(Cikarang, June 8, 2009)

Am.E and Br. E

A.In British English verbs ending in –l have –ll- before ing and –ed (whether the final syllable is stressed or not)
Travel/travelling/travelled cancel/cancelling/cancelled (Br. English)
Travel/traveling/traveled cancel/canceling/canceled (Am. English)
B.Some words with different spelling but the same meaning and pronunciation (some words)..
Br. English Am. English
Centre Center
Colour Color
Labour Labor
Favourite Favorite
Theatre Theater
Programme Program
Accoutrements Accouterments

Br. English Am. English
Br.English Am. English
Petrol Gasoline
Petrol Station Gas Station
Skip Jump
Film Movie
Football Soccer
Gaol jail
In prison in jail
Match Game
Slaughterhouse Abbatoir
About Around
Aeroplane Airplane
Alsatian German Shepherd
Fish-slice Spatula
Penknife Pocket Knife
(Cikarang, June 4, 2009)

Senin, 08 Juni 2009

American English VS British English

There are some differences between American and British English in some ways. Therefore, sometimes they give many difficulties for a beginner of non-native English learners to distinguish them, and lead him into confusion and errors in using of English. Here the writer tries to explain briefly about the differences...

A. In American English the past simple is often used to give new information or to announce a recent happening:
-I lost my key. Can you help me look for it?
B. The past simple is used with just and already:
-I’m not hungry. I just had lunch
-‘Don’t forget to post the letter.’ ‘I already posted it’.

C. Americans use the past simple simple with yet:
-I didn’t tell them about the accident yet
D. In American English the forms I have/I don’t have/do you have? Are more usual than ‘I’ve got/I haven’t got/Have you got?’:
-we have a new car(Am.E)
-we have got a new car(Br.E)
-Do you have any change?(Am.E)
-Have you got any change?(Br.E)
E. Americans use the infinitive (without to) in structures with insist/suggest etc.:
-They insisted that we have dinner with them
-Jim suggested that I buy a car
This structure is also used in British English
F. Americans say ‘the hospital’
-The injured man was taken to the hospital(Am.E)
-The injured man was taken to hospital (Br.E)
F. Americans say ‘the hospital’
-The injured man was taken to the hospital(Am.E)
-The injured man was taken to hospital (Br.E)
G. Americans say ‘on a team’
-He’s the best player on the team(Am.E)
-He’s the best player in the team(Br.E)
H. Quite in Br.E means less than ‘very’ but more than ‘a little’
Quite in Am.E means completely, e.g. ‘Are you sure?’ ‘Yes, quite sure’ (=completely sure)
I. Americans say ‘on the week-end/on week-ends. The british say ‘at the week-end/at week-ends.
J. In Am.E ‘different than’ is also possible and ‘different to’ is not used. In Br.E ‘different from’ is as possible as ‘different to.’
K. Americans say write someone (without to)
-Please write me soon and tell me how you are
L. The past participle of get is gotten in Am.E:
-Your English has gotten much better since I last saw you.(Am.E)
-Your English has got much better since I last saw you.(Br.E)
M. Some verbs, which are irregular in Br. E, are normally regular in Am.E
Burn Burnt (Br.E) or Burned(Am.E)
Dream Dreamt (Br.E) or Dreamed(Am.E)
Lean Leant (Br.E) or Leaned(Am.E)
Learn Learnt(Br.E) or Learned(Am.E)
Smell Smelt(Br.E) or Smelled(Am.E)
Spell Spelt(Br.E) or Spelled(Am.E)
Spill Spilt (Br.E) or Spilled(Am.E)
Spoil Spoilt(Br.E) or Spoiled(Am.E)
N. (a) –er....than comparative
the....-est superlative
Adjectives with one syllable
taller than, the tallest
Adjectives with two syllables ending in:
-y dirtier than, the dirtiest
-le nobler than, the noblest
(b) more....than comparative
The most..... superlative
(1)Adjectives with three or more syllables
more beautiful than, the most beautiful
(2)Two-syllable adjectives with derivational endings (-ful, -less, -ish, -ous, -ing, -ed, etc.):
more useful than, the most useful
(c) Two-syllable adjectives with either Br. English form (–er....than comparative and the....-est superlative) or Am. English form (more....than comparative and The most..... superlative)
(1) adjectives ending in –er : clever, tender, bitter
(2) adjectives ending in –ow : narrow, sorrow, shallow
(3) adjectives ending in –some : handsome, wholesome, lonesome
(4) others : polite, profound, sincere, severe, common, pleasant, cruel, quiet, stupid
O. Agreement with collective nouns, the following are examples of collective nouns:
audience couple family public
class crowd government staff
committee faculty group team
When the collective noun refers to a collection of individuals, the verb may be either singular or plural:
My family is OR are loving and supportive. A singular verb is generally preferred in American English. A plural verb is used more frequently in British English, especially with the words government and public. (Am.: The government is planning many changes. Br.: The government are planning many changes.)
For numbers over 100 we use and to link the hundreds and the tens. When said aloud, and is pronounced /n/. The main stress falls on the final word of the number:
,three, hundred and, twenty-’nine
,five, hundred and ‘sixty
- In American English and is often left out:
,eight, hundred, ninety-’two
The time is expressed in different ways in British and American English:
It’s (a) quarter to eight. (Brit)
It’s seven forty-five. (Brit)
It’s (a) quarter to/of eight. (Am.)

It’s (a) quarter past one. (Brit)
It’s one fifiteen. (Brit)
It’s (a) quarter after one. (Am.)

It’s five (minutes) to four. (Brit)
It’s three fifty-five. (Brit)
It’s five to/of four. (Am.)
The twenty-four hour clock is used in Britain for timetables and in some official letters and notices. In the USA it is used only for military purposes and on ships.
Times are spoken as:
0300 (o) three hundred hours
1345 thirteen fourty-five
2305 twenty-three o five
There are two ways of saying midnight:
0000 o o double o
2400 twenty-four hundred hours
Subjuntive is a basic verb of a verb used after verbs, nouns, or adjectives which show importance.
Verbs that use subjunctive: advise, ask, beg, command, decree, demand, desire, insist, instruct, order, prefer, propose, recommend, request, require, stipulate, suggest, urge, warn.
Nouns followed by subjunctive: advice, command, demand, insistence, instruction, order, preference, proposal, recommendation, request, requirement, suggestion.
Adjectives followed by subjunctive: imperative,important, essential, (un)necessary, crucial, urgent.

-The doctor advised that my father stay at home for a home remedy (Am.E)
-The doctor advised that my father should stay at home for a home remedy (Br.E)
-The advice that my father stay at home for a home remedy is unavoidable.(Am.E)
-The advice that my father should stay at home for a home remedy is unavoidable.(Br.E)
-It is important that my father stay at home for a home remedy. (Am.E)
-It is important that my father should stay at home for a home remedy. (Br.E)

s. Date are wrtten and spoken as:
- June 4, 2009 (Am.E) = “June the fourth two thousand nine”
- June 4th, 2009 (Am. E) = “June the fourth two thousand nine”
- 4 June 2009 (Br.E) = “the fourth of June two thousand and nine”
- 4th June 2009 (Br.E) = “the fourth of June two thousand and nine”

(nurhendi.blogspot.com) =(pejantan tangguh)